P256 Maintenance Hangar

The P256 Maintenance Hanger is a storage facility in support of the EA-18G Growler aircraft. The facility will provide high-bay space for aircraft maintenance, maintenance shops, open bay warehouse for aircraft equipment, emergency shelter for increased personnel, and administrative spaces. This project was in accordance with the Buy American clauses. This project provides facilities for two EA-18G expeditionary squadrons VAQ-143/144 that do not have available hangar and support facilities on station, including a 50,946 SF Type 1 EA-18G maintenance hangar housing 4 EA-18G airplanes, a 4,660 SF Armament Storage building for storage of EA-18G pylons and bomb racks, and a 32,000 maximum square foot Mobile Maintenance Facility (MMF) storage pad for storage of 72 MMF.

General Contractor:  RQ Construction LLC

Subcontractor Amount:  $931,195

Size:  56,000 sf


    • Exterior Metal Framing
    • Building Insulation
    • GWB
    • Acoustical Ceilings